#681 – Not confident being too sexy Pikachu
Manage the blog is really so much work, I first need to find artists to request or commission restricted by the budget but have too keep two illustrations each week to make regular and interesting content. On the artist side I also keep contact after they participated as long I can, kinda a way thanks them with the support they deserve but with time there is even more illustrations so even more artists that contributed to the project.
Including all places I promote the project like tumblr, twitter, deviantart, newsletter it’s like the project need even more time and efforts since those 5 years of existence. Besides the support from comment, patreon or sales of the “Rosalina’s Delivery Service comic” don’t grow-up as some artists I follow and encourage since years that never stop be more famous and powerfull, kinda fell I can’t stop my project since I love it so much but don’t’ have the power make it grow, sounds pitifull (the only relief is on a way the fact no one will really read or take consideration about that, that’s the power of porn sited) ^^’
Anyway artists will never stop to amaze me and time to present you B-side7715 that come one the project for the first time (and be sure not the last) pairing Rosalina and Cynthia from pokemon dressed respectively as Pikachu and Raichu, wonder who’s your fav but both are gorgeous and I know it’s hard choice. This idea came first after I saw B-side7715‘s illustration of Cynthia that you cans see on the right, she’s one of my top 10 fav ladies and looks so wonderfull that I wasn’t able to resist ask her. Next challenge was to decide about the situation… O_o
For the pose, I was first looking at a great suit for both ladies, mostly oriented in lingerie since I love that so much but B-side7715 told me is not into really explicit situation and it’s seeing Cynthia in her Raichu suit that I decided suggest it. Second part was to get the pose giving one to B-side7715 that also have the freedom give some suggestions. I finally received 3 sketches really interesting that took me two days to choose, it’s not the pose I originally suggested that was used since the one you actually see suited much better according both ladies hairstyle that could hide so much or their face with the hair lock and also one to give a nice view to each costume. Like the result I guess it was the right decision… °w°
I love how turned that illustration, Cynthia offered Rosalina to try some pokemon costumes with her but as you can see she gave Rosalina a Pikachu costume that cute princess didn’t expected to be that revealing. B-side7715 made an awesome work with pose and anatomy but the best is that mix into cuteness and sexiness on both ladies; Rosalina so sexy but with a so lovely and innocent face (she’s really so cute) and Cynthia that have a suit more soft but kinky expression and sure lot of idea to make the night really fun. B-side7715 also made some sweet and detailed lingerie as I love but need to practice a little more on shoes in my opinion.
On coloring and shading side, B-side7715 is really amazing with hairs and for a simple background that little best looks nice (and gave us plenty of idea for that sweet duo). Skin also looks nice with great light effect on Rosalina’s breasts (that also have so magnificent curves) but missing a bit of shadow to make it correct also Rosalina’s tight-hight that need to show a little more keeping a bit of see through effect for sure. Anyway I must admit I love so much that illustration B-side7715 created and if he continue that way he’ll sure reach an epic level. ^__^
I hope you like this illustration guys and be sure there is more coming by B-side7715 that will also work on the December patreon raffle reward (congrat to Chris that won this month). If you want to see more you can take a look at B-side7715’s Deviantart, follow him on Instagram or Facebook were you can discover some ravishing traditional inked ladies and discover his original comic on Tapastic. You can also give even more support with a commission or buys some of his design on Teepublic… Oh yeah… \(^o^)/
Deviantart: www.B-side7715.deviantart.com
T-Shirts: www.teepublic.com/user/bside7715
Original comic: www.tapastic.com/bside7715
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bsideilustrador
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bsideilustrador
One year ago: #550 – New form and new friend
Next to come: Who’s the true guardian of the galaxy? (NSFW)