The pageview counter at the botton of the page in now close to 300.000 views… Damn, it’s a really nice score. The blog don’t have a lot a views since 2-3 months but I didn’t expected reach this a day… Thanks for stopped by guys I hope you enjoy the Rosalina x Girl project and take the time visit a little.
You can also let a little comment on a post, the chat and at the bottom of each page, it must be a great support… ^^
Well, I thought to create a little kiriban to celebrate the 300k viewer but I know nodoby take the time to read posts in general so nobody will know about this kiriban and I’m sure nobody will caugh it at the end. If you want to participate to the blog and win a drawing with Rosalina and your favorites fetishs in, take an eyes on the blog on september for the 2nd edition of Your dream by…
This time I’m glad to show you a really powerfull illustration with some of my favourite characters. Especially Cynthia (pokemon) and Seras (Hellsing) who are in my top 10. Not often I can show a foursome and also commission it. A huge thanks to the lovely and talented War-Off-Evil (don’t worry about his name, he’s not dangerous)… ^^
From the left to the right, there is Cynthia from pokemon as sexy nurse (this outfit suit amazing on her), 2nd is Rosalina as cowgirl (my favourite uniform with chaps), 3rd is Dark Magician girl from YoGiHo as bunny girl and the last is Seras Victoria from Hellsing as a sexy demon (though she’s already one)
Sincerely guys War-Off-Evil have an amazing style and really improved it since this commission done there is more than 2 month (Yeah, I really sorry for the late publication). You can see a recent drawing on the right with the now famous wiifit Trainer.
Prices are also really interesting, War-Off-Evil ask 100 deviantart points per character and for a comic it’s 60 points per vignette. If you take in consideration 400 points cost like 4$… Damn, 1$ per character… °w°
Back to Rosalina and her little friends. I love sexy outfits like uniforms, lingerie and high heels so I asked to War-Off-Evil to draw these girls wearing sexy disguises. I must admit I love the result, they are so beautifull and damn sexy… XD
At start I asked War-Off-Evil to draw Rosalina and Seras as owgirl and he suggested to add Cynthia and Dark Magician girl. Cynthia is my favorite girl from pokemon and dark magician girls is also really beautifull so it was finally a foursome… A damn powerfull one… (^o^)/