#692 – Happy Birthday to you (2017)
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I missed to thanks my patreon supporters for their support for January, as always there was a new raffle won by Curtis Heywood that was able ask for a duo to XXX. Stay tuned for the first sketch to see which character will meet Rosalina this time. XXX make lingerie and breasts so nicely and I hope to get some of that talent with Rosalina… °w°
Another big thanks for all that sent me wishes for my birthday, it was so lovely and also get some powerfull gifts as a core membership on Deviantart that allowed me change my name to Harmonie–Rosalina. I hesitated with RosalinaxGirl too but must be a little dangerous since would be related to a site with adult content and D.A. is really dangerous with everything related to hentai… >.<
Today illustration had to be with Valerie from Pokemon but this piece by Alycia I received as birthday gift, totally unexpected present as you can imagine or I would planned to publish it before. Anyway it was a so powerfull surprise get a so lovely wish with Rosalina and I love it. Thanks so much Alycia… \(^o^)/
Already go a beautifull series of illustrations From Alycia, starting from lovely chibi to some nice panda or Eevee dress to a sensual look that you can all see here. This illustration is still so adorable but goes even more sexy this time, seem my friends start to really know about my fetish but how you can resist to a cute Rosalina teasing us with a bit of lingerie in that kind of pose… °w°
More than how Rosalina moving up her dress, what got my attention first was how Alycia drew shadows and folds on the bottom of the dress. I thought there was a see-through effect that make Rosalina pantie and lingerie appear through the dress but looking at it again it’s just part of shading on the dress. Anyway that part always confuse me looking at this piece still hopping it can be what I thought first, I’ll check that joining her to enjoy that cake she made… and I hope more… ^__^
I’m sad I don’t have links to give you about Alycia since she never created Deviantart account or dedicated facebook page. It’s so bad she don’t share her art and skills but I guess she’s not interested by this just drawing as hobby for her friends and family. Anyway I’ll keep you in touch if things change in the future… Stay tuned…
No link for now (sorry)
One year ago: #550 – New form and new friend
Next to come: Tentacles vs fairy trainer (NSFW)