#685 – Starting Christmas with Tinkerbell

I’m curious how wordpress manage posts ID, as example the last with Cynthia is #3500 and the next I made with Poppy is #3507, I was wondering if the illustrations add also count but it don’t work in general so still wonder what make ID increase so much for each posts. If someone know about WordPress, it must be powerfull.
About the last con, as if I’m so proud of my cosplay ready to catch a cold being Rosalina for a day I must admit the tennis version didn’t have a huge effect. I know the crossplay have something to do and after all it’s not a badass, impressive or sexy cosplay as people as looking for but whatever, guess better be back to the original dress that have a more princess look… U_u


December is here and I guess it’s time to start with Christmas illustrations, anyway instead of a huge post at Christmas I’ll post them one by one starting earlier for multiple reasons. Starting with Rosalina and Tinkerbell drew by Lunakiri there is like a year, I came a bit late with this duo request and the illustration was done in April so I decided keep it in a corner until Christmas. Thinking at it again I’m not sure it was the best way have Lunakiri wait that much to publish her illustration, also since a year she really increased her level as you can see on the illustration in the right.
Love that lovely and a bit exentric fairy and being at Disneyland Paris last year I saw Tinkerbell with this red outfit during the Christmas parade but at a place we can hardly see her. Maybe it’s from this frustration that I asked Lunakiri to draw her like this with Rosalina. Since the resultat is pretty naughty I wont show about the original model that sure she was so ravishing. As if it’s the 5th duo with Tinkerbell for the blog, it’s always so magic see both together and have one more piece by Lunakiri… \(^o^)/
Now you know about the origin of this duo and Tinkerbell suit, the pose and Rosalina outfit were up to Lunakiri that goes with breast plays that goes sensual on a way with Tinkerbell expression but on other side Rosalina expression make it more naughty, you can be sure that sweet princess wont be satisfie untill she enjoy and taste all part of her fairy friend body. Rosalina outfit is also really sexy, Lunakiri sure know about my lingerie fetish and was powerfull see those anti-gravity star heels, just so bad it’s a little hidden from the link but I still enjoy so much that detail.
This year wasn’t friendly at all for Lunakiri and she actually do her best to be back but we must wait a little more for now. Actually you can enjoy her previous illustrations on Deviantart (here) or support on Patreon (here) were she’s still a bit active with some news and WIP about her upcoming illustrations. For this year she increased a lot level and if she continue in this way it will turn so incredible so don’t miss a chance discover about that sweet and talented artist… Oh yeah… \(^o^)/

Artist: Lunakiri / Cost: 20$
Website: www.Lunakiri.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/lunakiri
Deviantart: www.Lunakiri.deviantart.com

One year ago: #578 – Azula domination (or not)
Next to come: Reindeer Christmas show for Krampus (NSFW)

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