I asked some people to ive me a screen to see how look the blog on their side and must admit it was really disappointing. Everybody have different resolution and background don’t work. Also do my best to make posts look great positioning images and with leng of each paragraph and generally it don’t look as me. If you have time, feel free to give me a screen of the Curriculum page, must be really helpfull.
Also was at 49 follower close to the 50th but finally I lost a member, not cool…
After foursome witl ladies for Haruhi series (see it here) or Touhou series (see it here), sagashiindustries gave me the honor to support my project with a new series of 3 illustrations he commissioned to H.O.A. and time for you to enjoy the first one with Palutena from Kid Icarus. I already had her with Rosalina but a young Palutena. But time to be more sexy and sensual, now it’s the adult one who come to have some fun time with Rosalina and they look gorgeous together, thanks so much sagashiindustries and good job H.O.A…
For sure H.O.A still need to practice but he regulary publish new illustration and continusely increase his level; anatomy look great and he have nice technique with shadding, especially love color on Rosalina’s hair. Both lady also look gorgeous, damn sexy and sensual together, H.O.A. also made it kinda dynamic, we can easilly imagine them having a love and warm kiss when they are playing with each other soft breasts.
If you love messy illustrations (like slime, mud or everything like this) I’m sure the recent illustration H.O.A. made must pick your interest. Sincerely I love messy and fluide so must be really interesting to commission H.O.A. that kind of illustration by myself a day. Wont always wait for sagashiindustries to do it for me but you can be sure this kind of supprot is always so powerfull. Thanks so much guys… (^o^)/
Sagashiindustries: http://sagashiindustries.deviantart.com/
Archangemon: http://www.blogger.com/profile/11499029676971575583
One year ago: Special – “Private” blowjob
Next to come: Chubby girl in fishnets is a perfect combo