#514 – Ooolala

Solo - OooLaLa
Like Twitter, it seem someone tried to connect to my account, already was hacked once and it ended we more than 10.000 followed (just imagine I had to remove them one by one). No troubles this time, that’s twitter for his warning but it remember me that I don’t publish so much on this place. Do you think I must be active or people don’t care?
Also must update the curriculum page and add Mario party 10, announced and available since a few weeks but wanted to try it at start to know what we can do with Rosalina. Can play her as normal character, amiibo and there is a photo shooting bonus, spent hours on it (really) but they gave cool and so adorables moves… Awww… °w°


After an amazing and wonderfull illustration from Untitled that you can see on the right, I finally get a new Rosalina from him with a sketch request raffle he made on HentaiFoundry. I agree it’s not the same thing as his previous Rosalina but you can’t imagine how Untitled is amazing and talented but don’t do commissions or “don’t take direct requests but I would be picking up on things in your comments that inspire me“. You can be sure his first Rosalina piece was a powerfull honor and I wont a sketch at his raffle… How powerfull… \(^o^)/
Like rafle rules, we were able to give a brief description (portrait/Pin-Up/ Soft/Hardcore Scene), where to focus , mood, expression… I must admit I don’t remember what I asked to Untitled. Though, be sure I suggested Rosalina and also didn’t asked for hardcore piece cause didn’t want a man with her. In fact Untitled said it’s “one character request only” so no chance it happen… I feel so stupid… XD
Sketchy for sure but Untitled made Rosalina soo sexy. Thoe breasts must feel so soft and with the “OooLaLa” we can imagine so much things happening so depending of your imagination can be fun or kinda exciting. Untitled did a great job, just told him that Rosalina’s crown a little too small. Some artist make it bigger or with a special form to add a dynamic touch but don’t feel her really nice on that way. At last she’s still so beautifull and sexy, Oh yeah…
Thanks so much for this new Rosalina piece Untitled and if you guys want more, you can see his amazing gallerie ower HentaiFoundry (here) and for other illustrations he did with this raffle, they are on his Tumblr (here), also some really cool bonus on this place like an animated Jill from R.E., don’t hesitate to take a look you will be amazed (and excited) for sure.

Artist: Untitled  /  Cost: 0$ (raffle)
Tumblr www.einubis.tumblr.com
HentaiFoundry www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Untitled/profile

One year ago: Metroid – Samus N°9
Next to come: Cowgirl meet tentacles

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