#745 – Aurin girl make her entrance
I made some tests but have troubles with wordpress, I have troubles configure come features cause seems I edited a bit too much WordPress files and the blog is so huge that it’s impossible make proper exports to make edits on wampserveur. If some of you can give me a hand to manage it, it would be really powerfull cause for no I’m not sure I’ll go with what I have in mind being scary get all the site down… U_u
Also family moving to Spain for a week so I must care about pets, garden and flowers at mother house, with everything already planed this week will be soooo busy but nothing I can manage… ^^
While watching Mazzacho‘s livestream, he told me he really liked an illustration I posted made by Ryev Alki for the project and seeing the rest of his art he was really interested by the duo you can see on the left. I Mazzacho that got some interest for a <duo with Rosalina and this adorable Aurin girl from Wildstar after see her in a trailer from this game, didn’t expected have him so enthusiastic with this character as me… ^__^
Here turn a ravishing duo in an adorable and little sensual scene, Mazzacho drew Rosalina with a outfit more casual and sexy close to Aurin one. Despite the fact I wonder if Rosalina have a blue belt or if it’s omission during colouring process, there is so many efforts and details Mazzacho putted on the drawing and colouring process. About shading, I love the smooth and sweet color and light crossing tree foliage (learned a new word), it make the illustration much more detailed, impressive and ravishing on the hair and fur… ^__^
I said there is also lot of work on the drawing process cause Mazzacho did so many sketches and poses until reach this one, you can see some of them on the right and also it was really more explicit at the start, kinda love the POV one with panties pulling honestly. Anyway, as if the final illustration is really more sweet allowing me to share it on many places (Oh yeah), there is some sexy details still here like Rosalina outfit, high heels and maybe the Aurin lady that don’t seem wear bra. Don’t know if it’s me or Rosalina but each time Mazzacho create and illustration for the blog it always tend something really sweet and lovely whatever how naughty can be the original idea… ^^’
Mazzacho is sure a talented artist but also have great skills in many fields working on animations, 3D modelling, website creation, etc… I’ll need his help on that last point to prepare something huge. For now don’t miss have a look at Mazzacho’s gallery on deviantart, meet him during stream on picarto or be member of his patreon. If you have an idea in mind that you think could looks great with his style, you can ask about commissions for whatever you want from really safe and adorable to more… Naughty… °w°
Picarto: www.picarto.tv/Mazzacho
Patreon: www.patreon.com/mazzacho
Deviantart: www.mazzacho.deviantart.com
HentaiFoundry: www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Mazzacho/profile
One year ago: #629 – The Birth of Rosalina
Next to come: Transparent is magic (NSFW)