Finally Nintendo didn’t forgot Rosalina and she’s now as playable character on the new Mario 3D land available on WiiU. I expected to see her on Mario kart and maybe Smash Bros. who are coming for 2014 but now I must buy a WiiU… That’s so powerfull… Oh yeah…
You can’t imagine that I was jumping on the room for an hour before make this post and I must hurry because I want to jump again… That’s fucking powerfull… Thanks soooo much Nintendo… (^o^)/
She’s also gonna be in the new Mario Party. She should have been in number 9, but that one sucked anyway.
Mario party too… where you saw that ?
I remember reading it from someone that she’s in. I certainly hope she is, at least.
Yeah, it must be so powerfull… For the moment I’m sure she will be on Mario kart too and I wonder what about Smash Bros.
Not the same thing with MArio gaalxy, Nintendo announced this series was just for the Wii and nothing new is planned. So bad… U_u
At least she didn’t get regulated to Daisy’s fate.
That’s right but Daisy is too close than Peach but Rosalian have the jump/attack from Mario galaxy game. That’s mean they didn’t forget Rosalina and Mario galaxy, that’s a nice thing… °w°