The “Informations” page is still in progress but for the moment I must finish the one about Rosalina’s laboratory project (see it here). Dmfo is still working on the second chapter or maybe he already finish it but I’m sure this new one will be published soon so it’s time to prepare the page and fix this problem when you click for a full view… Now it resize the picture so it’s really too small and you can’t delete it. I wanted something great but can’t find th perfect script so I’ll make something more simple… It don’t work like this but I tried… ^^
As you know the next story by Dmfo will feature Rosalina, Misato and Ritsuko but for the moment it’s time to have some fun with and other girl from the evangelion series than Rosalina already meet: Asuka. You can see the other drawing by Crimsonberry here but this time it’s a huge thanks to Quietstealth for this amazing picture… (^o^)/
Quietstealth have a really amazing gallery and drew some illustrations with Rei, Zone-tan or Yoko who are just epic so I asked him if he accept to participate to the Rosalina x girl project and finally accepted, how nice… At start I suggest to Quietstealth if he can pair Rosalina with Zone-tan or Rei because Rosalina never meet her for the moment but Quietstealth wanted to draw Asuka and there is the result, I hope you like it guys…
this drawing is really hot and also really powerfull because we can easily see the action and also imagine what happen after. That make the drawing more alive and like Asuka position if you have a little imagination you know it will be hot… really hot… XD
Last thing, Quietstealth said he used this drawing to increase his anatomy skills and that’s a great point. I’m really happy when artist contribute to the blog but it’s more fair if they also have fun doing it and also try new techniques… If at the end we can recognize Rosalina it’s fine… ^^
Once again thanks so much for your participation Quietstealth and guys don’t hesitate to take a look to his newgrounds, Deviantart or Tumblr profiles for more… Oh yeah… °w°