#954 – Officially the cutest witch

Have an happy and spooky Halloween

Previous: #953 – Traditional Halloween orgy Next: 955-956 – Happy 12th Birthday Rosalina

princess Rosalina nintendo kart tour halloween witch

I finally admitted some parts of my project cannot keep going and yesterday I finally erased the SFW page of the website killing a part of my baby I managed to care for 10 years (honestly I still feel more sad than proud at this time). Actually the main url was the SFW page and most of the project content is NSFW so this was kind of broken considering traffic and visitors. It’s when I was told I cannot get the SFW illustration for Halloween that I took this decision and finally the illustration was made, kind of “ironical denouement” to not be too negative ^^’

There is still lot of work to fix links on posts/pages and also some parts that were damaged during the migration, also there is a huge work to do to keep the blog efficient since all links on other websites are now broken (as for patreon as example). On a more positive note I also managed to activate a SSL certificate for the website and the blog is now on https, nothing will change for visitors but this should give me better ranking on google. In fact most of the work on this project is invisible for visitors but important to keep the project running, I4ll get lot of work this week-end on that point so wish me good luck °o°


And here is the SFW illustration I was talking about; a pretty Rosalina witch added on Mario kart Tour for Halloween Tour 2019 as a separate playable character that was announced pretty close to Halloween so I didn’t expected find an artist to draw her in time. Against all odds this finally sounded possible when Lunakiri offered me to draw a traditional illustration with Rosalina in her witch outfit, I was super happy and excited having the chance come with something recent and actual with the project. All sounded so perfect and After Lunakiri sent me the first sketch (on the left) I know the most important was to be reactive with the post to get everything perfect °w°

Anyway things goes more complicated when Lunakiri told me “Sadly, I may not be able to get that done in time […] I’m having a really hard time with getting the sketch to work. It’s at this moment knowing there wont have content for the SFW page that I admitted there was a real problem and this place have no reason to keep existing, this leaded to the deletion of the SFW page originally named “Rosalina & Girl” and the transfer on the /NSFW website to the main url. Emotive part of me keep torturing me but the logic one say this was a good decision to take, never expected it would come that suddenly from an illustration by Lunakiri, I could say life is full of surprise but once again logic side say the main reason should be more my broken mind… ^^’

Next day was also filled with an unexpected surprise getting the finished version from Lunakiri, I was wondering if the fact she cannot do it was a joke saying I thought she cannot do it and the answer was “I didn’t think I’d be able to“. I sure was really excited get this magnificent Rosalina to show in time for Rosalina but it also disturbed me even more considering I finally received the SFW illustration I didn’t expected to come after deleting the SFW page wondering where to post it. Of course the illustration is here but will always go on place with an adult warning so cannot show it on places safe for everyone since there will have no post I can link to get traffic here and promote the project… why things are always so complicated guys? T_T

Artist: Lunakiri / Gift
Website: www.Lunakiri.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/lunakiri
Deviantart: www.Lunakiri.deviantart.com
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/Lunakiri
One year ago: #822 – Tribute to Emmanuelle
Next to come: Birthday time \(^o^)/
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