#075 – League of Legends – Akali (nurse)
No post for december 25… I received Mario kart 7 for 3DS so need to unlock Rosalina and play a lot with her… Oh yeah… The game was in store untill december 2 in France but my mother buy it for Christmas so need to wait to play with it… So bad… Why she don’t ask me before buy the game… T_T
So after 18 hours of Mario kart (and a lot a defeats with Japan geeks), the blog restart, and with an awesome character from League of legends, Akali in her best skin: Nurse… Thanks so much to ninjaviking who do this as request… (^o^)/
ninjaviking ask me he accepted my request and started working on a Rosalina + Akali picture, when I ask her what skin for Akali he answer “I guess it’s always nurse Akali for me 😛“… Oh yeah… Really good choice… XD
So enjoy this sooooo beautifull pic of Akali and Rosalina doing the famous “Playing Doctor“… The drawing have a really good level and a lot a details like the heart with Akali hair or Akali face who is so cute… I hope you will love this drawing… No… You must love this drawing… Like this, don”t need the “hope”… ;p