#203 – OC – Melissa
Not sure you noticed it but I have now a new profil picture… I know it’s exactly the same the my previous avatar but this one was drew especialy for me… Thanks so much to Climax for his awesome work and gift… So in the right, you can see my previous avatar and the new just behind drew especialy for me (it will be better for copyright)… Just a little problem with Climax pic because it’s a pixel art so in sites who show a huge avatar, it look really nice, as example for my google account… But for sites like blogspot, hentaifoundry, deviantart… It will be perfect, thanks so much Climax… ^^
So about the new drawing, if you don’t know the artist Ghostraven you must take a look to his awesome gallery. I only do sketchs but they are always so beautigull and really detailled. In fact like Ghostraven style I think it’s really difficult color it… But his art don”t need color to be awesome… And I have now Rosalina and Melissa by Ghostraven… How nice… (^o^)/
About Melissa; not use to search more in rule34 or other sites because she’s a Ghostraven‘s OC… The first time I see this character having some funs with mans, monster or girl like Lara croft (yeah, Ghostraven drew her sometimes), I though ” I must have this girl with Rosalina “… So I asked a request and finally Ghostraven drew this beautifull one… That’s just awesome… ^^
I’m a little sad Ghostraven didn’t draw lingerie like his other style… I love lingerie so really detailled like this, it’s incredibly beautifull and so sexy but the biggest problem was these two mustaches, I’m sure you know they suggest Mario and Luigi and I’m always so jealous see Rosalina with a man, maybe just a dick suggested a random man, why not… But Mario… Raaaah… T_T
I notices this point when Ghostraven sent me the sketch but it’s a request and Ghostraven‘s idea so I let him free let this detail and this part say… But without mustaches, whe have two beautifull girls, in a really hot situation and this view… Hum… I love Rosalina and Melissa faces, so expressives and exciting… That’s not so hot guys? Sincerely you must see Ghostraven‘s gallery, you must love it (you have no choice)… ^^