Like I said in the video and the description in the Pyjama party by Merethide, I wasn’t really optimistic if the Pyjama party will continue and mayeb see the light a day… Sincerely I started to think to delete it and that made me sad but Merethide in her official site create a new page about… The pyjama party… So it’s not completly die for her but we must be careful… If you ar curious you can see Merethide post here, I’m sorry she’s from Monaco and only speack french in the site but I have a little secret for you, the 25th comment on her site will win a free drawing… Oh yeah… °w°
Today it’s not a full yuri color but for me this drawing is amazing and have his little story… A huge thanks to CoaX for this so beautifull and unexpected Rosalina sketch because at start lost CoaX‘s contest but he had the kindness make a little rosalina especially for me, that’s sooo much… (^o^)/
Once upon a time an awesome artist named CoaX or also Alvaro created a little “Fetish Writing Contest” when we had to create a little fetish story and the winners will receive ans illustration of his story with a different quality depending of his place (3 winners).
Embarrassement slowly turned into humiliation when she made me kneel in front of this girls and began spanking my ass. She pulled out this tube of cream and lubricated my butt hole.
It was so lubricated that her fingers would slide all the way up my anus with with no resistance. It was then that I began feeling a hot tingle sensation all over my crotch.
She showed me this string of black beads and began pushing them one after the others into my ass hole As soon as one bead would pop inside me the next would stop against the entrace of my anus ready to be slipped in.
I felt my ass plugged and her fingers moving up and down in my pussy, the other girl came into play by pinching my nipples and giving them a soft twist.
I had long surrendered myself to such and intense pleasure, nothing could make me feel embarrassed anymore.
This girl taken out this big dildo in the shape of a penus and was smearing my pussy juice all over it before sliding it into my mouth, I realiced I was made to suck on my own juices while the beads slightly being pulled. My whole insides contracted and just as I felt and orgasm building up she pulled the beads out one by one and moving her fingers into my pussy.
I colapsed on the floor from sheer pleasure and after taking about ten minutes to recuperate, I guess I am addicted…
CoaX said me there is also more than 10 other participants to this project so I was sure have a really little chance to win, I’m so bad find great ideas for a drawing so you can imagine a story like this wasn’t easy to create but it was a fun moment and nice training, finally the result don’t look so bad as I expected, what your opinion about it guys?
The contest is now over and you can see illustrations and story of the winners here. I lost but CoaX sent me a mail saying ” I’m sorry that your story didn’t win, but there were others better (or that I liked more). Here you have a fast sketch for your efforts ^_^ ” and I received this so beautifull Rosalina in bondage situation playing with some Lumas, though I think it’s more the Luma who are playing with Rosalina like her face, she look so lovely with this embarassed expression.
Nice detail with the bondage than CoaX drew, Never expected we can do something like stars and for Rosalina it’s the prefect style… Thanks again CoaX… It was a pleasure to participate at your contact and also so powerfull show a drawing by you here… Solo Rosalina but amazing artists, that’s amazing… °w°
Wow, star shaped bondage. That’s quite creative and looks real nice. 😀
Salut Jérémie,
je suis vraiment désolé de ne pas avoir pu te répondre plus tôt à ton message, j’ai eu vraiment d’autres choses à penser en fait, c’est vraiment sympa la proposition que tu m’as faites, et même si maintenant ça doit être trop tard pour le concours et que le plus intéressant (c’est à dire le dessin) n’est plus possible, si tu veux toujours que je te fasse une petite scène à l’écrit on pourrait en reparler.
Enfin vu que ce ne serait plus pour le concours, autant me préciser ce que tu voudrais, genre je sais que tu aimes les détails sur la lingerie coquine.
En plus j’ai pas vraiment le temps de penser à mon histoire, même si j’ai pleins d’idées, c’est vraiment long à mettre à l’écrit.
En ce moment j’essaie de traduire mon premier chapitre en Anglais, j’utilise google traduction, et essaie d’être le plus cohérent possible, mais vu que j’ai du mal avec l’anglais. Si tu veux tu pourras y jeter un oeil et me dire si c’est correct ou pas.
Et désolé de poster ici, mais j’ai pas réussi à trouver ton adresse mail, donc bon j’espère que ça te gène pas trop.
C’est super que tu poste là, ça fait plaisir de te voie passer sur le blog et pour mon mail c’est