That so nice to see artist having interest for my project and are really interested to make a drawing for my blog… This time thanks so much for ajahime-chibichan‘s kindness for this so beautifull drawing…
I see a really cute and funny drawing with Niie in and ask her if she accept to draw Rosalina with an other girl as request or commission, she answer “I would love to draw you a picture so I will see what I can do!” but don”t say what character she can show with Rosalina so I submited Niie and there is the result… That’s so nice… Hope you like it… (^o^)/
I love how ajahime-chibichan drawn Rosalina, she’s really nice and expressive in this situation, look so happy and alive, how nice… Just one detail a little special as me, I think it’s Rosalina’s star but she look more excited than Niie. ajahime-chibichan answer “Niie’s expression gave me trouble @_@ I was aiming for something like, “oh yeah I’m riding on a star,” but failed X3“, But Niie look more strong like Rosalina so it’s not so bad in this situation, and the result is beautifull, that’s the principal… I love use quotes, it’s so easy but with my english level, it’s better like this… ;p
So thanks again for your kindness ajahime-chibichan, and if you are curious guys you can see other drawing with Niie in deviantart (here) or an other in Hentaifoundry a little more sexy but so cute and funny (here)…
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Hentaifoundry (18+):