This was a really special week-end, busy at start with a really bad surprise, a commission didn’t turned how I expected and I was so sad. Something stupid who will be fixed but that destroyed me. I think I like Rosalina a little to much to be a normal guy… U_u
but the week-end ended with some great surprises, thanks so much to my friends for your kindness support. Also a great surprise because I have now a 40th follower. Each time II open blogger and see 39 followers I wonder “When I will have my 40th“. I had to wait 6 months but it happened… Oh yeah… ^^
Now a little commission I received from my friend Tallon. He commissioned the amazing artist mortalshinobi who seem to be a huge fan of the claymore series (a really nice one, little scary soemtimes but really fun). It remember me that at a moment I always thought that a B&W illustration look unfinished and colored pieces are the best but after saw some artists like mortalshinobi I know that this kind of drawing can be really powerfull… Oh yeah… ^^
For people who know Claymore I’m sure you recognized Clare, she’s really my fav character of the series. I asked to mortalshinobi why he choosed her and made this kind of illustration, his answer is really interesting. Let start a little quote: “well i was initially going to use someone from smash brothers like zelda, but the client thought that too typical, so i went with one of my own favorites who i haven’t drawn in awhile. so I chose clare“.
As for the moto, I think everybody know that Rosalina is playable on Mario kart (Wii and 3DS), mortalshinobi played the game and really enjoyed it so since he wanted to make a realistic interpretation, Rosalina and Clare are preparing a race… As you can see on their faces, they are not here for fun but for the victory so prepare yourself… It will be an epic race… Eh eh… XD
Thanks so much Tallon and congrat for thst excellent piece mortalshinobi. Guys, if you want to see more you must take a look to his deviantart gallery (here). there is so much really powerfull illustrations and you can also commission him, as you can see mortalshinobi can make epic illustration so don’t hesitate to take a look and send him a message if you want more infos.
One year ago: Solo – Just so cute
Added to wishlist: Honey and Grace from Fighting Vipers (see it here)