Solo – Galaxy panty

Last week-end were really busy and no time to find new artists and also ask for commissions or reqeusts but in fact it was quite interesting because my budget is better so I can think to commission some artists again… Actually the budget is at -35$ but 2014 started at -65$ so it’s better in that way but still not enough to commissions epic artists like VincentCC or Vempire… U_u

Actually I started some commission for the project “Where is my pokemon?“, I’m really happy with it but now I need to increase the colelction and also find a great artist to draw Valerie from pokemon X/Y, she have an amazign outfit and also wear high heels, must have a naughty piece of Rosalina with her as full body… °w°


Now time for a new illustration and after the lovely Rosalina in chinese dress time to show her a little more kinky but still so beautifull… A huge thanks to Chuck-K who accepted to participate to the blog and drew this adorable pinup. As you can see this time Rosalina’s dress is shorter than usual and she wanted to let us discover her galaxy panty… Lovely face and sexy clothes, I’m sure she have something in mind… XD

I’m in love with Rosalina and Chuck-K have the power to make her real, artists will never stop to amaze me and I’m sure I’m not the only who love this illustration.  Other important detail about the illustration, it’s a traditionnal illustration that Chuck-K made with “9×12 Pencil, Ink and Copic“… A lot will say than digital is really more powerfull, we can made more details illustration color effects but when you see during a livestream the artist redoing the same line again and again, that’s not the same thing for a traditionnal artist.

Instead of the sketch, when Chuck-K made this piece he didn’t have the possibility to use “ctrl-z” and no choice that do it right the first time. Need so much work and efforts that you don’t have to wonder for a digital illustration and at the end you have an illustration that nobody can copy paste… The true one and thats damn powerfull… I have a folder for original pieces but postal fee are so expensive that it’s often impossible for the artist to send me his drawing… So stupid… U_u

Once again, thanks so much for your kindness and this excellent piece Chuck-K, The mix into cutess and sexiness is always an excelletnt combo and this one isso powerfull. Also guys, if you want to see more beautifull pinups from Chuck-K don’t hesitate to take a look to his Deviantart account (here) and enjoy his art. Also don’t forget than a comment (as if it’s short) is always a huge support and artists like Chuck-K really deserve it… Oh yeah…

Artist: Chuck-K  /  Cost: 0$ (Request)

One year ago: Touhou – Lilina, Yukiko and Makoto

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