More than 30 new ladies added on the wishlist (and only one removed), want to add so much more but don’t want to overload the page with so much characters. For the moment I’m looking to make how to show all posts from a series/character when you clock on the name but understand how tag and search fork cause for the moment it search from all I wrote on the post and no tags, just find the perfect code.
In fact I just found how it work. Now I have to edit all posts and add tags with name of the character and the series… 500 posts at the same time will be so much to do so it will need some times to be done. After that I’ll have to make a generic code to edit the wishlist but will be so much work too but it will be only with character who were draw multiple time or series with more than on character on the blog. For solo you still have the link “see the post here” to enjoy the illustration.
Today it’s a special series from Sandybelldf, I won his kiriban on Deviantart and as prize I was able to decide who will have the honor to be on the cover and central poster of his TOONHOUSE series for October 2014. It’s not a full magasine but just take a look at Sandybelldf‘s gallery to see more and understand about this project, also you can be sure I asked for Rosalina to be in… Oh yeah… ^^
At first if you wonder about Rosalina suit and have the feeling already saw it before, it’s normal. Sandybelldf had a wonderfull idea and made Rosalina “cosplaying stocking from Panty and Stocking series“, as you can see it suit her nice and also looks so sexy, love that kind of naughty cosplay, she’s really amazing. °w°
At the top you have the main illustration that Sandybelldf made and you can also see other versions with TOONHOUSE’s cover and the poster version made in 3D this time, must admit it looks kinda impressive and real, if only they really publish that magazine, would by this one for sure but at last I have a powerfull illustration, thanks so much Sandybelldf.
For sure I must say this Rosalina illustration if the best but if you want to see more from Sandybelldf, feel free to visit his profile over Deviantart (here) and he also have a Blogger account (here) for all illustration a little to much crazy and explicit for Deviantart (just take a look you’ll understand). Now if you want your own character draw by Sandybelldf, you can commission him or fight for his kiriban, huge challenge but it deserves it for sure… ^^
One year ago: Original – Random play
Next to come: Some fun with Kasatka