Tag Archive: XXX Holic

#243 – XXX Holic – Yuko Ichihara

We just reached 194.000 views on the blog, that’s a nice score… I hope have 200.000 before my birthday or maybe christmas, it must be a great gift… And don’t forget to click on the publicity, if I can ask payment and buy some powerfull illustrations it must be awesome… Thanks in advance guys and happy hollidays (for people who work, don’t worry… I don’t have hollidays too)… ^^

I know I’m always so late to publish new drawings but sometimes there is one I miss and found again some months after. It’s the case for this one by Konani who was finished in July and totally forget publih it on the blog. Yoko is a really beautifull character, I read all the XXXholic serie and love this drawing so don’t know what happend… I’m really sorry guy… T_T

I think everybody here know CLAMP’s characters, I think the most famous is Chii but I have a little preference, maybe it’s because she look a little to Lulu from Final fantasy who is really beautifull too. The only thing I don’t know is where this character appear at first, it was in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, XXX holic or an other serie I missed?

Finally Yuko meet Rosalina, it’s a commission for the lovely and really patient Konani who did a really good job with this drawing, it fact it’s not the first time he drew Rosalina, the first drawing was with Rosalina and
Xing Cai and this is the only drawing were the artist don’t with Rosalina hair style because her position but this one is a little too explicit so can’t show it here… Sorry guys… :/

As little bonus you have some sketchs done by Konani, the one I chosen for the final version is not here but I really hesitated with the one where Rosalina and Ivy from Soul Calibur, the two of them switch clothes… I think you easily reconize the sketch… ^^

And I finish this post with a little quote from Konani‘s description: ” butterfly-wing patterns can be so complicated ”… Of course but the result is so beautifull… (^o^)/

Artist: Konani / Cost: 15$