#152 – League of Legends – Sona
More than 10 pics waiting to be upload in the blog but I think I’ll restart spam artists during this week… Maybe I don’t really like this but if I want continue upload here for I long time, I must do it… For Rosalina… Oh yeah… And I didn’t notice it before but we are pretty close than 100.000 views, it will be really nice, thanks so much guys for your support… Maybe for comments, it’s not the same thanks… ;p
So new day, new pic… But already with Rosalina… What else… XD
This time I’m happy show you a character from league of legends (I think a lot know this game)… It’s Sona, not the sexiest character but as me she have the biggests boobs in the game, don’t worry, I’m an expert… XD
Thanks to Kakurin who accept my request just saying ” I’ll try that sometime soon ” and this pic was an awesome surprise, I play a lot league of legends so see characters from this game with Rosalina is incredible… An popular game, popular characters, lot of perverts looking for sexy fanarts so lot of people who must see this pic with Rosalina… It can be a nice add for my blog, thanks so much Kakurin … (^o^)/