#144 – Nintendo – Peach N°16
I say I must finish the “Existing drawings” page but I fail… So I must finish it before the end of the week, maybe I’m really lazy in the moment… Not good for Rosalina… Other thing about Rosalina and the OC Ivy pic (see it here), Janse give me some other informations about Ivy: She is really dominant Dra’ech and if you want to say more, take a look to the post, It’s now update… ^^
So it was a long time I don’t show a Rosalina and Peach pic, maybe it’s a pretty famous pairing and an other pic with Peach is already waiting… I’m a little sad have often Peach instead of more different girls but like my blog name, Peach is a girl, and I’m so happy see new drawings like this one for my blog… (^o^)/
This awesome and incredibly hot pic was draw by Meatpanda… I see in his profil he may accept request so I ask him a pic with Rosalina and that was so nice see “I’m on it as soon as I can“… Artist are often really motivated participate to my project and they do an incredibly nice job, I’m so happy have greats pic in my blog, a lot of pic… Thanks so much for your help and interest guys, that’s so nice… ^^
Like this pic, it wasn’t easy place the watermark, you understand it can’t be in the bottom and don’t really look nice in the top, but I must add it. Like this if you show some pic in other sites, it must be a nice ad for my blog and all artists here…