#339 – Metroid – Samus + Lollipop chainsaw – Juliet
The new wish-list page code is now done (see it here), I didn’t changed the form so for you it will be exactly the same thing. Just the size a little different and some line break in titles who disappeared but for google this code is really better and now I don’t have so much troubles when I want to upload it.
The wishlist is a huge table with all informations so the code is really huge. The size of a code for a huge page is in general like 100 – 150 Ko and it’s the double for the wish-list. If you also count I often update it adding new girls and posts it was important to improve it.
Next step will be with a small code with loops and a SQL base who will contain all informations but I have to learn a little about that before… Maybe for next year… Maybe… ^^
For this post I’m really happy to show this a commission I asked to the so lovely and talented CuteEmmy. You already drew for a blog a Rosalina x Robin (see it here) from one piece but this one was commissioned by Tallon and this time it’s finally my turn to ask her a drawing. CuteEmmy opened a special commission slot to buy the new Bioshock and I decided to keep it… A little expensive comparate to other commissions in the blog but like CuteEmmy art you can understand it was really hard to resist… ^^
At start CuteEmmy suggested to pair Rosalina with Peach and daisy, after all it’s the more logical pairing we can expect with Rosalina but I already have them together in several illsutrations. finally CuteEmmy made an other suggestion: ‘I was thinking Rosalina sitting on a chair and Juliet and Samus will be on each side of Rosalina standing. Rosalina will be sitting on a dildo and she will masturbate Juliet and Samus with dildo too‘.
This idea was amazing and we finally keep it. you can see the two sketch with minor changes, I just asked to CuteEmmy if she can change Samus face make her moaning and add a little Luma I can use to make a new avatar. The result is really amazing, they are so beautifull, really sexy… As expected CuteEmmy did an amazing job, I love this drawing… (^o^)/
If you want more don’t hesitate to take a look to CuteEmmy‘s profile and gallery. You can also buy a commission or a pack. She have two futa pack with 12 and 14 pics at 5$ each, and a last pack a little mroe special and expensive, it’s at 25$ but have 17 explicits photos of CuteEmmy where she shows boobs, ass and pussy… Yeah, it’s not a joke guys, must buy it a day… °w°
By the way I commissioned a new drawing to CuteEmmy pairing Rosalina and Emmy… Yeah, she’s have an OC looking at her and she will have some fun with Rosalina… Stay turned guys… There is just one point who make me a little sad because CuteEmmy don’t want to add a watermark on her art, it’s the only way to promote my blog and I’m disapointed see comments in forums like ‘There is a lot of Rosalina, maybe it’s because Mario kart‘… An other artist didn’t wanted to add it and I won’t commission him again, don’t know for CuteEmmy. she’s a lovely girl but the watermark is really important for me… U_u