Less than 200 view and I reach 100.000, it must be awesome… And other thing if you can help me, there is a little add on the right so if you can’t donate or sponsorise, maybe a little click must be really nice, thanks in advance. I don’t do this to earn a lot of money maybe a little help can be really nice help me buy commissions. There is some awesome artists who are too expensive for me but if this add can help me ask a commission to a “famous” artist, it must be an awesome add for the blog… Maybe a little click is faster to do than a comment… ;p
So today it’s a really original pic, please don’t say it’s bad, of course not but I agree for “really special”… Impaled situation with two futa girl, I never expected see Rosalina like this so this pic was a huge surprise. This time it’s a huge thanks to amuarse‘s kindness who find interest for my blog and accepted to participate to my collection… There is more than 100 artists who drew Rosalina for this blog, I never expected reach something like this… Thanks so much guys… (^o^)/
Amuarse have a great style and increase his level pretty fast, there is two new drawings in this gallery since this the one with Rosalina and the last is really good, much better than this one, but in other hand, without Rosalina, so not the best… Maybe don’t hesitate to take a look to amuarse‘s gallery… ^^
Generally when there is an impaled girl, it start in the ass and come out in the mouth, first time I see this situation, maybe it’s pretty interesting…Other thing about the cum, I don’t think you notice it but there is two different colors, and as answer I’ll use a little quote, it’s was a long time I don’t do that… ;p
‘As for the two color cums, I intended for the pool coming off the middle to be precum but now that I think about it its position doesn’t really make sense‘… Now don”t hesitate to show your opinion guys, nice feedback are always welcome… ^^