I’m still waiting for Vempire answer to know what idea will be the winner of this first edition of Your dream by… I’m glad than a lot of you let so much freedom to Vempire though in general it’s more because you are more thinking to the girl you want to see with Rosalina and don’t have a precise situation in mind. After all more fun for the artist and a great surprise at the end.
So much amazing characters sugggested but I also love VenomSymbiote’s idea. the main objective of the blog and Rosalina x girl project is to pair Rosalina with other girls than ask a solo but I must admit that the idea is really powerfull, I’ll keep it in mind.
Last thing, I said the wishlist will be finished with the next post (supposed to be this one) but I’ll lost internet and computer for the week-end so I prepared this post in advance but can’t do more… Sorry guys. Now the wishlist page look a little different and you can see its architecture (click here).
New participant of the Rosalina x Girl contest hosted by the deviantart group AdultAnonymous (thanks again). I already showed the 4 winner designed by the admins of the group but there is also two special prizes for my personal favourites. the first winner was Rosalina and Lilith from the game Borderland. By the way if you are curious you can see all participants to the contest here.
This drawing was a colab into KhalFrodo who drew the line and Leebaby44 who coloured it but also participated to the colouration of an other lovely Rosalina x Tifa who joined the contest but didn’t won… I’m so sad about that but it’s not like Leebaby44 totally lost and his other illustration reached a great place…
I’m really happy that KhalFrodo accepted to participate. He have a nice style and not just draw sexy girl, each drawing have a little story or joke, some are damn powerfull, naughty or so funny like the Pervy Sages on Chat Roulette! (see it here).
The only reason I know Borderland is because the beautifull Moxxi and Lilith (Must admit Moxxi is also really sexy). Rosalina and Lilith are really amazing together, still ready for the battle but can also enjoy a more sexy and tender moment together. I love how KhalFrodo made these two girls really close mixing some of their history in description and background, generally I’m not a huge fan of tattoo but they look perfect and Rosalina knife-wand is a nice detail… I want the same… °w°
And if you wonder about the description: These two lovers met on Pandora in the galaxy famous “Ludicrous Speedway”, a death race in which bold drivers pit their driving skills, intuition, and explosive weapons on the line! Rosalina, being a several-time champion of the also famed “Mario Kart” races on Earth distinguished herself to fans but the Vault Hunter Lilith as well! Now the two share intimate moments of love in between pillaging bandit hideouts, Hyperion bases, and treasure hunting!
KhalFrodo‘s idea is really amazing, he created a really powerfull piece but we can’t forget how colouring is an important part of the result so congrats come to Leebaby44… You did an amazing job together an I hope to feature your art again in the blog, maybe for Rosalina’s birthday on November… ^^
Leebaby44: www.leebaby44.deviantart.com
KhalFrodo: www.khalfrodo.deviantart.com
One year ago: OC – The robed (Guro warning)
Added to wishlist: I’m now late with the new one
like this one! I love Lilith!!