Your dream by… Edition #03


  #02 – Shonomi / Character: Tinkerbell

Rosalina and Tinkerbell (in human size) getting to know each other better on the dance floor. Club can be filled with video game women 🙂 Poses I hope can be standing / bending over, but not on the floor (feet on the ground).

And there is the final illustration:


And there is the winner idea, Mavruda choosed Shonomi’s suggestion and here is the result. I really love Tinkerbell, she’s my fav Disney lady (as if there is now a little dilemma with Elsa). It was a powerfull surprise, I hope you also like it guys… ^^

So congrat to shonomi and also to Mavruda who did an excellent work. and some interesting bonus. As example you can notice a little party on the background and if you look closer, two gorgeous ladies exchanging a tender kiss… Do you recognize them?

There is also a little bonus that you can find on Mavruda‘s site because he finally drew and other idea from the list. It’s Tallon’s who sugegsted Rosalina and
Sorceress girl from “Orcs Must Die” but it you want to see it, you must know that you will have to be a member of

This one is only reserved to his member but don’t take that as a bad new, more than a great preview to Mavruda‘s site. It’s a pay site that you will have to ppay 15$ for a month membership but for this price you can ask for a free illustration for each month as member. To be simple, for 15$ you have acces to the site for a month and can ask an illustration to Mavruda like this one with Rosalina and Tinkerbell. Don’t say it’s not fucking powerfull guys… °w°

If you are more into free sites, Mavruda also created a free site to promote his art, he worked so much on it since months and last week it seem that the final version finnally appeared, just take a look to The Rapunzul illustration is just excellent but that’s not the more surprising of his collection. Prepare yourself guys… XD.


\/ All participants… Thanks guys: \/

  #01 – Tallon / Character: Sorceress

rosalina having a sexual magic battle with the sorceress from orcs must die 2
It is only one girl there are 4 different costumes to choose from
Reference illustration here.

  #02 – Shonomi / Character: Tinkerbell

Rosalina and Tinkerbell (in human size) getting to know each other better on the dance floor. Club can be filled with video game women 🙂 Poses I hope can be standing / bending over, but not on the floor (feet on the ground).

  #03 – SagashiIndustries / Character: Princess Pride

Maybe Rosalina could meet Princess Pride from Mega Man Battle Network and get into a net battle with some sexual battlechips. Like maybe a tentacle chip or dildo chip or something.

  #04 – Delacroix Legion / Character: Rydia

My idea is Rydia from FF IV:
Reference illustration here.

  #05 – Skull / Character: Summer Glau

Hm… I love to see Rosalina, with Summer Glau. Each girl is a little shy, so would be interesting to see them in a slumber party as they curiously discover each others body and their inner lesbian (or bisexual) self… 😛
Reference illustration here.

  #06 – DesoPL / Character: Samantha Traynor

Oh i know now! What about this time, Rosalina strip dancing with Samantha Traynor from Mass Effect 3?

  #07 – goldlinaric / Character: Samus Aran

i’m sure the pair has been done but maybe Samus and Rosalina. however have rosalina dominating samus while they are inside her little bubble energy shield.

  #08 – AccelD / Character: Venusmon

How about Rosalina and Venusmon engaging in 69.
Reference illustration here.

  #09 – Mi. Stregone / Character: Samantha Carter

Hello! I would like Rosalina with Samantha Carter of Stargate-SG1 doing a cunnilingus. Maybe in the “salle des commandes” (sorry, I don’t know the english name for that) of a spaceship (this last element is optionnal if it’s too difficult to design).

  #10 – Lord Wincest / Character: Hitomi

How about Hitomi from Dead or Alive? Or Hitomi from Escaflowne? ;p

  #11 – Lockezero / Character: WiiFit Trainer

How about Rosalina and the Wii fit trainer doing nude yoga? The Wii fit trainer could be fondling Rosalina helping her stretch into suggestive positions.